*Informational letter that was sent to PCL families this week

Dear Families,

We would like to give you some updates on what Partnerships in Community Living, Inc. (PCL) is doing during this concerning time. We are following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Oregon Developmental Disability Services (ODDS) recommendations for prevention of transmission of COVID-19 (coronavirus). We are continuously reviewing information about COVID-19 as it becomes available and updating our guidelines and policies accordingly. We are finalizing PCL's COVID-19 Response Policy and Procedures and will be sending it to all families by Friday, March 20. 

We believe it is important that you know what we know.  To that end, ODDS has imposed a policy restricting visitors inside the home (Oregon Department of Human Services Developmental Disability Services Transmittal APD-PT-20-028), which we know is unpleasant and probably worrisome for you, but it is necessary for everyone’s safety.  We will be working with you to ensure you are able to continue to communicate with and about your child or loved one.  This may include virtual methods (Skype, Facetime, Google Hangouts, etc.), cards, letters, email, and phone calls.  

The people we support still have the right to access their community independently or with their family and/or friends.  While visitors are restricted inside the home, you may spend time with someone on a walk around the neighborhood, lunch in the park, time spent outside the home where there are few people congregating, etc..  When someone we support returns to their home, they must immediately wash their hands and change into clean clothing.

Additionally, all visitors to the home who have been deemed “Essential” by ODDS and employees must complete a screening process before entering the home.  The screening process is included at the end of this letter for your information.

To keep staff, families, and people we support updated on new information and steps we will implement, we will begin using virtual check-ins weekly, “PCL In the Know,” will be streamed live and available online at our Facebook page and website www.pclpartnership.org and available for download on our website as well. 

We are cleaning and disinfecting surfaces that are frequently touched daily.. This includes light switches, doorknobs, countertops, tables, handles, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, sinks, and the inside of vehicles. This is done with EPA and CDC recommended disinfectants which include a: bleach solution, alcohol solutions with at least 70% alcohol;and Clorox and Lysol brands of cleaner and disinfectants.

We are working to ensure adequate hand hygiene supplies are readily available for everyone.  We are posting videos on proper handwashing for the people we support and team members. We are practicing social distancing at all times possible - a minimum of 6 feet apart. 

Any implementation of quarantine measures will be at the direction of a qualified healthcare professional or public health agency and you will be notified immediately.

Rest assured, we are concerned and we are acting in the best interests of families, people supported, and our dedicated staff.  If you have questions and concerns please know that you can contact myself or Gwen Whelton (gwhelton@pclpartnership.org) our Family Facilitator.  Please be safe, take care of yourselves and the people you care about. We will get through this together.



Joanne Fuhrman, Chief Executive Officer, Founder
Gwen Whelton, Family Facilitator


480 Main Street E, PO Box 129 | Monmouth , Oregon 97361
(503) 838-2403 | prfd@pclpartnership.org

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